Thursday, December 6, 2007

Craft Fair Madness

It's all mad craziness around my house lately. The PCA Craft/Book Fair is next week, and we've both (mom and I) been working our little tails off to get ready. It's especially hard to get any thing done with a pair of 2 year old hands constantly trying to "help" (right now she's trying to turn off my computer and plug a USB cable into my mouth - "Awe, thanks Baby"). I've been working on my packaging for paci clips, and I've come up with a new logo - soon to be featured as the blog's header. If you're around next week, come visit our booth at Pinewood, Monday December 10th through Saturday the 15th, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Hope to see you there!!!
~Megan Update: I made my first two sales! Yay!!!

1 comment:

evab said...

How fun! I was so excited to see all your beautiful things set up at the craft fair. Everything is lovely. And I so DID NOT need to visit the new-to-me links in your sidebar. Ack! Those bears are so sweet.