Monday, December 10, 2007

Sniglets for Christmas!

We have big plans and cute projects in the works for all of my little loved ones. I thought I'd show the stack of fabrics that I picked for making Christmas gifts, it all looked so fun together. I've had a lot of fun this year designing custom presents for my Evie, as well as my nieces (and soon to be one nephew - sometime this week!) The craft fair is in full swing and going great! We've made a handful of sales already, plus we have several custom orders. We still have four more days to go! As soon is life settles down a bit, I'll be focusing my attention on Christmas again - can you guess what mom and I are making? I'll post pictures after the holidays!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your stuff is so cute! I had to go back to the craft fair tonight to search through all of your goodies. We need to get together soon! Chloe is still talking about wanting to go see Evie!